H.I. (Hogwarts Interactive) is a school that was created by some Potterheads on the site for other Potterheads who want to learn magic. Join now by clicking on this link (https://classroom.google.com/c/MzA1MjYwNDEzNDEw?cjc=f57bgi3) or manually entering the code f57bgi3. Classes will start on July 20th, 2021.
There is already one that started, it is a school but online. It has houses, quidditch and lessons every day. The code was published in hpff. It is called join hogwarts school of advanced magic I think.......
Yes, and there are other ones like Hogwarts School of Meddlesome Prodigies and Hogwarts School of (something) and Fandom Dorks, but we are making our own.
Oh! I wanted to make one, too, but I wanted to make it with someone because it is easier to organize things that way. Do you want to make one with me? I can show you how in a DM.
I would love to help out!
H.I. (Hogwarts Interactive) is a school that was created by some Potterheads on the site for other Potterheads who want to learn magic. Join now by clicking on this link (https://classroom.google.com/c/MzA1MjYwNDEzNDEw?cjc=f57bgi3) or manually entering the code f57bgi3. Classes will start on July 20th, 2021.
Add moi pls?
There is already one that started, it is a school but online. It has houses, quidditch and lessons every day. The code was published in hpff. It is called join hogwarts school of advanced magic I think.......
I'd also be happy to help!!
Oh! I wanted to make one, too, but I wanted to make it with someone because it is easier to organize things that way. Do you want to make one with me? I can show you how in a DM.