Hello everyone!!! Like I said before in the chat, I'm most likely going to need glasses. I had an appointment with my regular doctor concerning my eyes, and we have to wait until March 17 to get into the doctor that is just for eyes you know. Anyway, it's been giving me migraines and stuff lately when I read books, or look at screens for too long, so if I'm not online as much until after my eye appointment, you'll know why. But as for right now, I'm online :D
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I might need glasses too
I have glasses but I only need them during class
I hope staying up till 1 am on my phone isn't going to hurt my eyes too much
Glasses r mostly just expensive that's all, unless you need to wear them full time
But they're kinda annoying cuz u can't see yk
They can help cover dark circles a bit sometimes tho
Oof, glasses honestly suck...
But good luck!