I'm so happy
Well technically it's a baby grand
And it cost like 15,000 US dollars
But it's worth it
And try had free wifi
So I tried going on here
And it said the site couldn't be reached
And I thought it shut down randomly
I had a mini panic attack
I turned on mobile data and it worked
I'm currently using mobile data lol
I love pianos!!
I play the piano, ukulele, guitar, glockenspiel, dulcimer and recorder. Yeah.... it's a lot. I learned most of them when I was younger, I self taught myself the ukulele and guitar. I took lessons for piano and I took a music class from when I was about three till I was about eleven and that's where I learned recorder, glockenspiel and dulcimer. So I have a bunch of instruments at my house XD
piano like the instrument right
so u play viola and piano