So basically theres just been some stuff happening in my friend group lately..
To sum up what happened, today one of my friends (let's call them Friend A) fell out with another friend (let's call them friend B). This is because lately, Friend B has not been like herself, and she's been making 'jokes' at us but at this point it's not really joking anymore. According to Friend A, friend B called her ugly on a few occasions and she's been mean to us. So now, Friend A is basically dissociating herself from our friend group - most specifically Friend B. She left our groupchat and everything, and says she may have to just leave us because she wants to be away from Friend B. Me and two other people, let's call them Friend C and D, really don't know what to do - whether to just cut Friend B out and move on along with Friend A, or to try and talk it through with her and try and, you know, make up. And it's hard because Friend B is in general a nice person but what started as banter has just gone too far now and it would just feel wrong to unfriend her as we've known her for so long.
I just wanted to turn to you guys for advice - you're all such nice people so I hope you have something to say :)
lol u guys all have friends or friend groups
Oof, that's a tough one.
My friend group recently went through something similar. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what to say...
What I did with my friends was we went about things as if they were normal without the one friend, but continued being kind to her and inviting her to things and whatnot and eventually she came back, (and brought a bunch more friends making a larger group) and everyone got along like normal. I'd just say to try and continue being nice. I honestly have no great advice becuz everyone's friends are different and I have no real idea how to help with someone's friend who's personality I know nothing of.
Well just give them some space and maybe a time away would help. My friend and I got really mad at each other last October but now we made up, so maybe just give it some time. I think you should try and have them make up, but don't push them too much. Don't cut friend B away.
well first of all thx for the compliment
second of all
i personally think that, i mean, if she's usually a nice person and like she's ur friend
i think that B's been through something and maybe u know but i think she needs u to talk to her
if thats how it is
u should probably talk to her and make sure u dont like get to the point right at the beginning cause if u'd do that with me i'd think u would just probably want to become friends again and just that
i mean if she's been through sm u should probably take a slow approach or sm with her and if she has had personal family idk problems she'll eventually let it all out and make sure u listen to her all the time and dont interrupt her or ask her things or try do tell her advice right away, probably give her a hug and then reassure her
that happens in movies only but if shes usually a very nice person
i mean or shes been through sm or idk
cause i have no experience
u try talking to her tho
dont walk away thats the last thing u wanna do
i think
at least i'd try talking to her
but dont start with "hey whats up? u ok lately? has sm happened?" that would make me slightly angry and stressed so
idk, start talking normally then slowly mention things and get to the point
i hope i helped :)))
and tell friends C and D
if there are more people supporting her i think she'll feel better?