Hi you awesome people,
It's Jasmine here. I haven't been on this site for ages (I'll try and be on here more, especially with the house wars coming back on!) I wanted to come here today to mention I am starting a new blog site if anyone is interested. I will be doing book reviews and a few other things too!! I've also added a forum so the members can chat. Another thing I wanted to say is I'm in the planning process for an original fiction novel! I'll post it on the site and also my Wattpad (JasTheRavenclaw_ for anyone that didn't already know). As I said it's still in the planning stages, but I'm hoping to post the first chapter at the beginning of 2022 :) Anyways, I'm NOT trying to sound like I'm advertising, this is just so anybody who is interested can join the site. I hope you guys are all doing OK!
Link to the site: https://thatoneravenclawjas.wixsite.com/website
Um... Just wondering, house wars? Here again?
Best news I've heard all day!
yay! I signed up on your blog as well!
- The other Sophie, but I like going by Soph :)
YAAAAAAAY!!! YES PLEASE COME BACK! I WANT COMPETITION IN HOUSE WARS!!! I just signed up on your blog! :D - Sophie 🐍