I thought it might be nice to have a place where all of the OCs in the roleplay can be easily found and accessed without having to go back and forth from page 8 to page 1 and back and forth and back and forth and you get the point right?! Haha, I also wanted to create another OC because I had a really good idea for it and maybe even tweak my other OCs just a bit so that they're more accurate as they're developing.
Name: Asher Hendrix
Nickname: Ash
Family: Asher was raised in a foster home of purebloods as he too is a pureblood. He never really got close with anyone there besides a girl called, Rowan. She's the closest thing he's ever had to family. He couldn't have asked for a better faux older sister. She attends Beauxbatons and the two write one another quite frequently.

Personality: Much like Josie, Ash tends to live life on the wild side. He's always ready for a party, to pull a prank or make a new friend. However, just because he seems happy doesn't mean he is. He has severe depression and has a hard time trusting people so it takes a while for him to truly become close with anyone. Thus, he has more acquaintances than friends. Because he has a hard time trusting people, he can be a very trustworthy person. He'd rather die than spill someone's secrets. He knows how hard it can be to trust someone and he doesn't want to lose anyone's trust. He has Gryffindor's traits as well. He's courageous, chivalrous, and very brave. But most importantly, he can be the best friend you'll ever have if you can just let him in.
Sp: Not any, maybe later on.
House: Gryffindor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: Josie...
Gender: Male; Pronouns He/Him
Likes: Any and every holiday there ever will be and ever was (sometimes creates his own holidays), pulling pranks, goofing off, dancing (specifically ballroom), muggle superhero comics
Dislikes: Liars, lies, lying, lukewarm coffee, scarecrows, homework, bullies, bullying, and any hurtful comments about his family circumstances.
Friends: He's friends with Josie and most other Gryffindors. He and Josie have been best friends since their first year though, so they get along pretty well.
Enemies: Not very many, he tends to find the good in everyone thus he has many friends and acquaintances.
Blood: Pure
Backstory if any: None really, his mum died giving birth to him and the whereabouts of his father are unknown. He's grown up in foster care his whole life and has tried to piece together who is father truly is.
Anything else: Not really. I'm super excited for Ash to become a part of this story. I don't think any of you see where I'm taking him and what's he's destined to do... :D
Name: Benjamin Everston (GOES BY BENJI)
Nickname: Benji
Family: Gemma Walters Everston (Mother) Christopher Everston (Father) Josephine Everston (Twin Sister, goes by Josie)
Appearance: His eyes are emerald green with flecks of gold, that is if you get to look directly into his eyes. He typically avoids direct eye contact. He has dark coffee brown hair that is kind of like a surfer dude's. So it is kinda wavy and curls up right below his ears. He's slightly taller than some other boys his age, but not too much. Maybe like a centimeter or two taller. (Again, I added a picture for reference, not exact but if I had to have someone he'd probably be it XD)
Personality: Unlike his sister, Benji tends to be a bit more introverted and very self conscious. He doesn't like sharing much, especially with his sister, and some people tend to find him mysterious. Despite this, he is a very compassionate and sympathetic person. He understands other people and is there for them through their highs and lows. He's very much of a perfectionist which can be both good and bad. But he's very intelligent, values learning and is wise.
Sp: No, maybe later on, idk
House: Ravenclaw
Sexuality: Bi (but he tries to keep it a secret from his sister and fails in rp)
Crush: Ash, my other OC...
Gender: Male
Likes: Learning, Reading, Friends, Tidiness, Animals
Dislikes: Messiness, Pranks, Fish and Chips
Friends: idk, we'll see as the rp goes on
Enemies: again, idk, we'll see as the rp goes on
Blood: pureblood
Backstory if any: Not really... um just pretty normal life I guess
Anything else: He's 15 going on 16; He's REALLY good with animals.
Name: Jazmine Victoria Seezketh
Nickname: Jaz, Jazzy, Vic, Vicky, Tori,
Family: Felicity and Stan Seezketh (parents) John, Jason, Jack, James, Jeremy and Jaxon Seezketh (older brothers)
Appearance: Will post
Personality: bubbly, friendly, funny, ditsy, loyal, kind, brave,
Sp: N/A
House: Gryffindor
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: James Potter
Gender: female
Likes: James, quidditch, friends, everything positive
Dislikes: everything negative
Friends: Nik, marauders, most ppl
Enemies: mean ppl
Blood: Half
Backstory if any: idk
Anything else: GQT beater or chaser
again the pic didn't copy, so sorry!
belongs to @Laylani Malfoy
Name (full name): Lyra Black
Nickname/s: Ly, none
Age: 16
Blood: Pure
Family: Blacks, Sirius Black (twin brother)
House: Gryffindor
Backstory: Same as Sirius basically
Appearance: pic
Pet: Black cat named Juka
Special Powers: Animagus (white fox)
Friends: Marauders, oc's
Enemies: Lilly (not enemies but they dont like each other)
Quidditch: Beater
Crush: Either Remus or an oc
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Extra/ anything I forgot: nah
again the pic won't copy sorry!
belongs to @Laylani Malfoy
Name: Axel Azer Nickname: None Family: Leila Iscolli (half-sister) Rest unknown Appearance: Will post Personality: Funny, cocky, confident, brave, friendly, sarcastic Sp: Same as Leila House: Gryffindor Sexuality: Straight Crush: idk yet Gender: male Likes: pranks, sport, hanging with friends, breaking rules, animals Dislikes: Homework, bullies Friends: idk he is pretty popular so a few ppl Enemies: idk, his sisters enemies Blood: Unknown (pure) Backstory if any: Unknown Anything else: Beater on the quidditch team but fills in for James when possible (edited)
idk why but the pics aren't copying, sorry!!!
Axel cannot control his 'turning into different dragons' thing. Every now and again he will run off to a cave behind the school and lock himself up when he gets the feeling that he will transform. He can stay transformed for up to 8 days. Leila visits him during his sudden transformations.
belongs to @Laylani Malfoy
Name: Leila Iscolli Nickname: none Family: Unknown Appearance: Will post Personality: Sarcastic, witty, funny, sly, flirty, competitive, confident Sp: She can see the future and time travel. She can also shapeshift in a way. Also Legilimens/Occlumens. Animagus: Can turn into different dragons, idk if it counts. House: Slytherin Sexuality: Straight Crush: Sirius Gender: female Likes: dark things Dislikes: idk Friends: The marauders, Slytherins Enemies: idk Blood: Pure Backstory if any: Unknown Anything else: Slytherin seeker (edited)
idk why but the pic wouldn't copy again
Name: Josephine Everston (GOES BY JOSIE)
Nickname: Josie (GOES BY THIS)
Family: Gemma Walters Everston (Mother) Christopher Everston (Father) Benjamin Everston (Twin brother; goes by Benji)
Appearance: Her eyes would typically be described as, "Wide eyed" meaning her eyes are large, and it suits her well. Her eyes are emerald green and usually have a mischievous glint. She has dark coffee brown hair that hangs just above her waist in loose waves. Like VERY LOOSE. She has freckles lightly dotted around her nose and across her cheeks and absolutely hates them though everyone else around her loves them. She's not the tallest girl around, but she's not the shortest either so about average in height. (I added a pic for her to help you better visualize Josie, not exact but pretty close XD)
Personality: Josie is a very extroverted teen who loves life and always has a joke or sarcastic comment ready to use. Though she isn't the most intelligent person, she is very reliable. If she says she'll do something, she will do it, even if it means hours upon hours of boring study sessions. She's also quite mischievous. You better be paying close attention to your surroundings or you may end up with rainbow hair. She also is very courageous and brave. ALMOST FORGOT, SHE IS VERY BOYCRAZY.
Sp: ? I don't think so? IDK what this is though to be honest haha
House: Gryffindor
Sexuality: Straight; 100% supportive of LGBTQ+
Crush: None as of right now...
Gender: Female; Pronouns She/Her
Likes: Sports, Chocolate, Friends, Jokes, Pranks, Games, Sleep
Dislikes: Homework, Too many responsibilities, Boredom, Reading
Friends: Um none besides her brother, Benji, at least for the moment. We'll see how things play out :) she really gets along with most people so probably almost everyone is her friend XD
Enemies: None for the moment
Blood: Pureblood
Backstory if any: Not really... um just pretty normal life I guess
Anything else: she's 15 turning 16, her brother, Benji, is a Ravenclaw and that's about all that I feel the need to point out haha
Name: Ethel Frances Ollivander
Nickname: N/A
Family: Clara Arhile, née Abrin (mother), Leonard Arhile (father)
Appearance: Fair-skinned, shoulder-length and straight bronde hair, blue eyes
Personality: Kind and brave, but sometimes unforgiving and passive-agressive
Sp: N/A
House: Hufflepuff
Sexuality: Straight, but supportive of the LGBTQ+ community
Crush: N/A
Gender: Female
Likes: Books, crochet, friends
Dislikes: Clutter, waking up early, fights,
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Blood: Muggle-born
Backstory if any: N/A
Anything else: At the moment, she is sixteen and in sixth year. In the future, she will marry Gervaise Ollivander, and her son is Garrick Ollivander.
Belongs to @Jasmine
Name: Sabrina Edith Stark
Nickname: Rina or Edith
Family: Her mom died when she was 5, and her father is often busy so she's left by herself most of the time. Dad: Anthony Stark. Mom: Epiphany Riverton
Appearance: oop- the pic didn't copy... sorry bout that!
Personality: She's nice, but likes to stick to herself
Sp: the mind stuff bc I literally cannot spell it like
House: Gryffindor
Sexuality: straight, but supports LGBTQ+
Crush: none yet
Gender: female
Likes: books, animals, food
Dislikes: loud noise, extreme weather
Friends: her cat lol
Enemies: none in particular
Blood: half
Backstory if any: n/a
Anything else: She's 16 :p
belongs to @The Random Ravenclaw