Okay, so this probably seems like it’s something terrible, and it kind of is. This is hard for me to writ, knowing that I don’t want to do what I’m about to do, but I’m doing it anyway.
The past few months have been amazing, in some aspect, but not in others. Some of the not so great aspects are, Blakelee had a miscarriage and got divorce. I got diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis. I’m moving soon. When I came out, I had a lot of issues with family members and friends. My cousin Taylor and I got in a huge fight, causing extended family drama, and now I’m being hurt physically and mentally.
Therefore, I’ve decided that its time for me to leave, and keep y’all safe from another ‘Sara incident’ being caused from my issues, which has happened before.
I have Abbi and Nate to help me, and that’s okay. I trust them. I love them. Just like I love you, and want to cause y’all no more pain than I already have.
I’ve already given you trust issues, I’ve hurt you, both physically and mentally. I’ve left scars. You deserve better than that, so it’s best I leave now before I reopen the wound and then fill it with salt.
Over these past few months, I’ve learned more than I have ever thought I would need to know. I feel like an entirely new person, and I’m grateful for you helping me along the path to becoming a better person.
There have been so many people here that I just can’t even begin to list how each and every one of you impacted my life, for the better.
You have all been some of my truest friends, and honestly, I’m not sure if I deserve you.
So, I want to thank y’all for being there for me, and teaching me, and having stupid conversations with me about blobbies and potatoes, for the fun we’ve had, and for the friendships we’ve developed.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever return to fanfiction, but if I do, I know where I’m headed first.
Thanks again. Yall really are the best. Please please please email me, and let’s stay in touch. My email is SlytherdorSara1213@gmail.com
I‘ll miss y’all!!!
I’ll look forward to the day I talk to y’all again!
Shine on you crazy diamonds!!!!!
And Au Revoir!!!!
Love you forever,
Sara 💕