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Feb 28, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y'all! I'm back, for who knows how long? I guess you could say things got pretty lonely lately. There's been A LOT since I left and I needed a safe haven. And since yall become like family, I thought coming back here would be a safe option. Who knows how long I'll be back, but I needed someone and until I think I'll be okay again, I'll be here. Thank y'all for providing that option for me, I love y'all and I'm excited to be back for a little while.
Dec 17, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Hello my friends, I know I’ve been through this so many times before, and now I’m trying again, as I’ve been far more active on fanfic sites than I really want to be. I should be focusing on things that are really important, like school, building better relationships with my family and friends, and trying to become the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Way back in 2020, I started writing fanfictions to escape the reality of who I was, my life circumstances, the way I was treated, and more. 2020 was one of the hardest years in my entire lifetime, with all sorts of different things. The pandemic, the natural disasters and all this personal stuff that I’d rather not share. And now that it's almost 2022, I’ve grown so much, learned so much, and found so many great friends. I’m not anyone else, I’m still sucky old Sara, the depressed, chaotic, confused, girl with anxiety. The past few months have been rough, but I know that I wouldn’t have made it through without each and every one of you. Even those of you that hate me with all your heart, I still care about you and want you to be happy and grow into the best people you can be. Authors, artists, actors, doctors, scientists, politicians. You all have the potential to become whatever you want. If you can dream it and work at it, you surely can do it. Your kindness, service and understanding were exactly what I needed to get through it all. And how you were so willing to stand up for your beliefs, your friends and families. Your examples have helped me become a better person. I will never forget that. “Nothing’s forever. Forever’s a lie. All we have it’s what’s between hello and goodbye.” A quote by Marilyn Bergman. A quote that makes me think of everything we’ve been through. Everything that we’ve done together. When I first said hello, I didn’t know what I was in for. And none of you could’ve guessed either. But, I personally feel that it’s brought us closer together and taught us important life lessons. One of the things I’ve learned, one of the most important things I’ve learned throughout the course of the past few months, is that friendship is important, wonderful and something to cherish. Of course, I’ve always known this, but these past four, five, six years have been some of the HARDEST and DARKEST times of my life. Like I said earlier, I wouldn’t have made it through without you guys, but I wouldn’t have made it through without my other friends either. I don’t have the best health, mentally or physically. Starting way back at the very end of my fourth grade year, I started having issues with my left foot. I couldn’t do the things I loved without causing pain. The first time I went to the doctor, I went to an orthopedic who put me into my first of many, MANY boots. Fast forward a few months, I went to an orthopedic surgeon who put me into my first of MANY casts, gave me my first pair of MANY pairs of crutches, and sent me to MANY physical therapists. Nothing was helping. Countless MRIs, sleepless nights, hours of endless pain, exercises and more, I just had to bear with it. Go about life like everything was okay. And it wasn’t. It still isn’t. I’m now seeing a rheumatologist who doesn’t seem to be helping much either. Like everything I’ve been doing is in vain. The rheumatologist wants to send me across the country for impatient treatment, to see if that would do anything, but my family simply cannot afford it. So here I sit, stuck with my broken body. Without my friends, I’d not be sitting here writing this today. Without you guys, I would’ve lost my sanity during those sleepless nights or the days were I couldn’t do anything. If you’ve known me long enough, you know my story. You know how hard it’s been for me to find my place. And with this extra burden, I really needed you. To help with my healing from my poor choices. People who didn’t judge me for who I am. Real, true friends that have changed my life for the better. I know this is getting quite long, and maybe even repetitive, but I’m eternally grateful for the way you have impacted my life. So here I sit, on my laptop in my messy, dark bedroom, the same old Sara I’ve always been. The book nerd, theater nerd, imperfect, anxious, depressed, confused, girl. The one who found joy within the books she read, the one who wrote to escape the realities of things, the one who needed and still needs you. I’m still Sara Keller, just older, wiser, dirtier and more beaten up. But you know what? I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done. Not one thing. Yes, I have countless regrets, but my mistakes have helped me learn. I’d like to apologize once more for all the hurt, harm and pain I may have caused any of you. You didn’t deserve that, and I wish I hadn’t done it. But what’s done is done, and I’m so sorry. I owe you forever. So if I happen to see you again someday, know that I will find a way to pay for the damage I’ve done. The scars I’ve left. However, a person can change, no matter what they’ve done. Even if they aren’t quite the same as they were before they messed up, they can become a great and wonderful person. I want you all to know that. I want you to know that even if you make a mistake, it doesn’t define you, no matter how infamous you may become. I will always forgive you and be rooting for you. And with that, I think I’m going to bring my time here to a close. I will never forget you, your greatness and your influence on my life. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for everything. Thank you for making it so hard for me to end this letter, because when I post it, then it’s real. It’s over. When this is posted, everything will be behind me. Thank you for being my friend. I’ll love y’all forever!! Thanks again, for everything. Love, Sara Keller 12/16/2021
Sep 13, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
My dearest Potterheads, I have had quite the journey with y’all, and y’all have had one with me too. I have been on a break with some check ins lately, but I’ve officially decided that it’s my time to go off into the world and become who I want to be. Life has been really hard for me, since I was quite young. I don’t even remember a time when my dad has been healthy. He’s sick and won’t get better. He’s remarried and my step mom is expecting twins in a few months. My mom on the other hand, just got reengaged. Shes thrilled about it, and is wanting to join the Mormon church because her Fiancé is Mormon. Im not going to live with them anymore. We have loads of family drama, and I honestly can’t deal with it anymore. I’m moving an hour or two away to live with my cousins. And I think it’s time I have a fresh start. I’m not going to delete any of my social media, but I’m not going to be using it anymore. I’m starting over. I guess I’d like to thank y’all for being my friend, even after I made the worst decision in my life. I truly hope that someday you’ll remember that I changed and that people can change too. Thanks for helping me become a better person. Especially Ginny_Potter18 or on this site she’s known as GinnyPotter. She really meant something to me. I’m not going to share exactly what went down with us, but I’ve developed a lifelong friendship with her. I will never ever forget y’all. You are some of the best people I’ve ever known. You’ve shown and taught me so many things. I can’t thank you enough for that. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for helping me become a better writer. Thank you for teaching me things. Thanks for being total idiots alongside me. Thank you for being you. I love you!!!!! Best regards, Sara Keller 💕💕💕
Aug 09, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
I will share my most recent humiliating story with y’all cuz I trust yall. And then if you’d like, you can share one too. Mine happened today when I was at the doctors office. I was tested for strep, flu, and COVID! But as my step mom and I were sitting in the room, my stomach flipped and I threw up all over myself, my mask and the floor! So I had to leave the doctor covered in puke!!! At least I got a new mask….. but it was EMBARRASSING! And there was a super cute girl about my age in the waiting room that just stared at me as I left…. I CAN NEVER SHOW MY FACE AGAIN!!!
Aug 08, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Alright y’al! You read the title. I think I have something cuz my whole body aches, my stomach is churning, I’m coughing, and I’m freezing and it’s apparently super hot in here according to all my siblings. ARE ANY OF THESE SIGNS OF COVID-19?!?! THREE OF MY NEIGHBORS HAVE IT AND NOW IM FREAKING OUT!!
Aug 05, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Aug 05, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Okay guys!!!!! So last night I decided I would pull a prank on him and I pranked him by throwing up in the middle of the night. it was really just oatmeal, carrots, food dye, honey and water, but he believed it! He was freaking out and then I fake puked on him, and he was the sweetest brother ever!!! And he was also still a bit freaked out but the prank was INSANELY FUNNY! But now I think Ive started a prank war..… oh well, it was worth it 🤣🤣🤣
Aug 03, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Hi. I haven’t been online for the past few days since Selena had to get her appendix out and since my parents are out of town we’ve been staying at our neighbors, which ironically is home to one of my my new crushes. Anyway, I missed y’all and I’m glad to be back!
Jul 31, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Have any of you ever seen this or the Draco video by HP Puppet Pals??? I’ll put in links to them cuz they’re AMAZING! 😂
Jul 30, 2021
Random Things because I’m too bored to be in existence  content media
Jul 30, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Alright, I am home alone with my younger sister Blakelee and my step and half siblings went to their other houses while my dad and step mom go to ALASKA leaving us home alone, with Selena babysitting but she works all day, so me and Blakelee are beee alone, and EXTREMELY BORED!!!! And now we dunno what to do…… lol! We might call our cousins who’s parents also went on the cruise to Alaska, and see if they’d want to walk over because they’re so close! Like only 3-4 away. But other than that, we’re dead out of ideas. So anyone have any great ideas?!?!
Jul 30, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Jul 28, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Alright y’al!!!!! To help me get over Abbi, I gor some purple highlights in my hair that looks similar to this pic I’m gonna post, and NO it is not my photo, so don’t go insane over i. lol 😆 Anyway, plz lemme know what you think! I also might get another piercing!!! Again, not my photo, just the most similar one from off the internet 😝
The New and Improved Sara Keller content media
Jul 26, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
I came downstairs to my little sister watching this CONFUZZLING video that was also kinda creepy.
Jul 26, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Hey!!!!! My step brother and I are watching the summer olympics right now and I wanted to see what y’all think about it. Im rooting for USA ofc cuz I’m an American!! My favorite summer events are the swimming and the gymnastic. What about y’al????
Jul 24, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Hey guys…. I’ve decided it’s time for me to come back. Literally after like 4 days. In the time I’ve been gone, Abbi and I broke up. And I’m at a time in my life where I’ve never needed my friends more. I don’t want y’all to hate me, but I’m really struggling with a lot of things and I just need some real friends. People who support me People who are kind People who I trust The people that have shown me love and forgiveness. Y’all are the people I’m in need of. I won’t be online as much as I used to be, and that’s for everyone‘s own good, but I’m going to be back. I haven’t known y’all the longes, but so far you’ve proved you’ve been there for me. Thank you💕 I love you!!! 💕
I Guess I’m Back content media
Jul 17, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Okay, so this probably seems like it’s something terrible, and it kind of is. This is hard for me to writ, knowing that I don’t want to do what I’m about to do, but I’m doing it anyway. The past few months have been amazing, in some aspect, but not in others. Some of the not so great aspects are, Blakelee had a miscarriage and got divorce. I got diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis. I’m moving soon. When I came out, I had a lot of issues with family members and friends. My cousin Taylor and I got in a huge fight, causing extended family drama, and now I’m being hurt physically and mentally. Therefore, I’ve decided that its time for me to leave, and keep y’all safe from another ‘Sara incident’ being caused from my issues, which has happened before. I have Abbi and Nate to help me, and that’s okay. I trust them. I love them. Just like I love you, and want to cause y’all no more pain than I already have. I’ve already given you trust issues, I’ve hurt you, both physically and mentally. I’ve left scars. You deserve better than that, so it’s best I leave now before I reopen the wound and then fill it with salt. Over these past few months, I’ve learned more than I have ever thought I would need to know. I feel like an entirely new person, and I’m grateful for you helping me along the path to becoming a better person. There have been so many people here that I just can’t even begin to list how each and every one of you impacted my life, for the better. You have all been some of my truest friends, and honestly, I’m not sure if I deserve you. So, I want to thank y’all for being there for me, and teaching me, and having stupid conversations with me about blobbies and potatoes, for the fun we’ve had, and for the friendships we’ve developed. I’m not sure if I’ll ever return to fanfiction, but if I do, I know where I’m headed first. Thanks again. Yall really are the best. Please please please email me, and let’s stay in touch. My email is I‘ll miss y’all!!! I’ll look forward to the day I talk to y’all again! Now, Shine on you crazy diamonds!!!!! And Au Revoir!!!! Love you forever, Sara 💕
Jul 13, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
I thought that I wanted to talk about KOTLC with y’all cuz I’m so bored and have nothing to do and it’s really good!!! Just a question about it…. Who ships Sophie and Keefe??? It’s literally OTP!!!! Sorry to the other KOTLC ships, but they aren’t that good. 😅
Jul 10, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
Hi! Do any of you know how to write on from a cellphone???
Jul 04, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
I should’ve shared this a lot sooner than I am. Ever since this was released I was obsessed!!! But is it just me, or does the music video make you tear up a bit as you see him grow up?
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